Thursday, March 28, 2013


After what felt like eternity, I received my mission call. There are a ton of emotions flooding my mind and heart but I'm mainly just HAPPY. I feel like the happiest person in the world. I'm FINALLY going. It's been 10 months since the last time I turned my papers in. I had medical issue after medical issue and now I'm finally ready to go. I hope people realize that The Lords way of testing us can and will come in any way shape or form. I was so frustrated when i wasn't getting my call and then I was told I needed to take care of some medical issues first. I was devastated. All I have ever wanted to do is serve a mission and when it was postponed, it was the worst feeling ever. The feelings of inadequacy came and the feelings of being excited left me empty. I didn't know why I wasn't getting out on my mission when I had planned. I was stubborn and unreasonable for months and I finally knelt down and prayed, in humility and had a really good conversation with my Father in heaven. I asked again if a mission was right for me and I received the same answer, yes. I then decided to tell My patient Savior that I loved Him and I knew His timing is perfect so I would wait. I waited 10 months to the day and now my Savior has blessed me with the most amazing mission! I can not wait to go and I know that Canada is ready for me and although I may never feel ready, The Lord will prepare me to be ready to teach people about Him and His gospel. I'm grateful I get the chance to serve! My journey is about to go down a very icy, cold, beautiful, road and I can't wait to see what's waiting for me in Canada!

-Sister Jones

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Meet Avery

Av and I.
Okay everyone I have another new best friend. This is Avery! Funny story about this girl; I was best friends with her brother my first semester of college. At first I was intimidated by her because if you have eyes you can see that she is GORGEOUS.  I didn't care to try to become friends with her until last summer and it was a great decision! We lost touch after that summer and then this fall I ran into her at UVU(school) and I was like AVERY? It's a small world and I'm grateful for that. Out of the 34,000 people at that school I ran into someone I knew! How crazy is that!  This girl is so awesome and such a good friend! I'm happy I've been blessed to have such amazing people in my life. Thanks Av, you are AMAZING and I'm happy that I can call you a best friend!

Brunette hair has taken this journey to a whole new level

As you can see I made a huge change look wise. The funny thing is I think I look way more flirty and attractive with blonde hair, but It's been 2 days since I've gone brunette and I'm gotten three dates and a ton of compliments from guys. I'm not sure why the brown hair is such hit with these guys but it makes me excited! haha When I was blonde I never got asked out on dates so this is weird but great. Now that I am going to be a dating machine I may have a chance of getting married someday! It's funny because you never would guess that something as simple as a hair color could change the way guy approach you. I'm thinking red hair next? KIDDING. I would look horrible with red hair but I wonder if I would get asked out on dates? Possible someday but as for now I will stay brunette because it's PERFECT for this winter season. :) 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have so many wonderful people who I call friends. To me a friend is someone who loves you for you, no matter the circumstances. Religion, weight, color of your skin, political opinions etc... A friend is someone who embraces you when they know you are starting to fall, and sometimes they let you fall but are always there when you get back up. It is someone who can make you smile when the world is dark, someone who defines the light at the end of the tunnel. A friend is someone who knows your fears and protects you when you may be getting caught up in something that will lead to those fears. A friend knows far before your heart gets broken, they know when your hurting. They know when you need advice and they know when you need them to tell you that it just sucks. A friend will do everything in their power to ease your burden.  Friends are people who let you in, and let you be a friend back to them. A friend accepts you, loves you, and knows you.

I've had the opportunity to become VERY close with a number of people and one person that I've become close to is Andy. This story may be odd, thats why I'm sharing it. A friend of mine is serving a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Argentina and he met Andy who was a new convert to the church. They became the best of friends and through that friendship Andy was brought into my life. He is in Argentina and I've never actually met him but I've had the opportunity of talking to him through the internet and phone and he is the most wonderful individual i've come in contact with. He loves the church and how it's blessed his life, he is bright and he loves life more than anyone i've met! Through this experience of befriending someone who is across the world from me I've learned that God puts certain people into our life for a reason, no one is an accident. In Andy and I's situation we feel like we've known each other our entire life. There are certain things that have happen since we've come in contact that have testified to me we are in each others life for a reason. I've needed his encouraging words and he's been there, without even knowing. He has needed encouraging words and love, and I've been there to try and uplift him as much as possible with my words. Andy has had his fair share of trials in the past few weeks and I've never felt more concern for someone. He is wonderful and he deserves to be happy. I've learned that friends feel when the other is in pain and that if you are in tuned with the spirit you will be inspired to do different things that will make a difference to your friend. I have had numerous times where I have sent a letter or said a prayer for andy and then 2 hours later I get information on what has been happening and what his needs are and thats exactly what I prayed for. I know that God loves us and I know that he will put people into our lives that will help us. Andy is in Argentina and I am in Utah, we've never met yet we are on the same page, ALL the time. It's a great friendship and my life has been blessed tremendously because of it. Thank you Andy for being so wonderful. I love and appreciate you.

To all of my other friends you know that I love and appreciate you as well. This was an experience I think we can all learn from. No matter how great the distance, if your heart is in it, your friendship will remain hard as rock. I love you all. Thank you for being so good to me!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things that make me happy

I was thinking about how my life has been blessed more than I feel I deserve and how I feel happiness that some people may not get to feel. It's the most comforting feeling in the world! You feel like your on top of the world when your happy, you giggle to yourself and someone overhears and it makes them happy too, you have a grateful heart, always and you will be able to love with more of your heart. So with that being said here is a list of things that make me flat out HAPPY.

* My family.
* Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
* Attending the temple.
* Getting an answer to my prayers.
* Knowing that God lives and that he LOVES me.
* Stepping on crunchy leaves.
* Music that I can sing to.
* ART.
* Baking/cooking for people.
* The moment when I've mastered a skill.
* Giving advice.
* When a man/woman puts aside his/her pride and steps up to his potential.
* Laughing uncontrollably.
* Dancing in my car.
* Seeing other people singing in their cars, you know they are having a great time!
* Clean places.
* When someone tells me I'm beautiful.
* The moment I get to witness two people in love.
* Old people that love each other like there is no tomorrow!
* Hearing stories from individuals who have been through so much.
* When I have a good hair day.
* Not having to wear make-up.
* Watching movies that make me warm and fuzzy inside.
* Nurturing others when they need to be built up again.
* The moment when you say, "It'll be okay and it finally is OKAY."
* Taking pictures of everything, and everyone around me, God gave me this beautiful earth to take pictures of so I'm going to do it!
* Finding a song that tells a story of your experiences in life.
* When you no longer have to have training wheels on!
* Seeing everyone on Christmas morning.
* The sound of a dirt bike.
* Giggling coming from a corner in the closet, you open the closet to find that the kids were hiding from you.
* Crisp air.
* Redwood trees.
* The ocean.
* Cold water, and warm sandwiches.
* Soup when it's cold.
* Creative dates.
* The sound of bagpipes.
* The service that is done when disaster hits, people coming together.
* Inspirational thoughts.
* Gold Fish.
* Holding a new born baby.
* Those who have the "I survived." stories. It gives all of us hope.
* Fruity or crisp linen smells.
* Warm sand when your feel are cold.
* Tears from laughing so hard.
* Giving and receiving hugs that make you feel that you're okay and nothing could go wrong when your in that persons arms.
* Rain-boots and flip flops.
* Colorful glass.
* Skipping to your destination.
* BRIGHT colored flowers.
* My toes being painted.
* Magnets.
* Clocks, because they always remind me of how precious time is.
* Thumb rings.
* Christmas lights.
* Pumpkins.
* Finding out that the easter bunny was my mom! OF COURSE, you have to be the coolest person ever to be the easter bunny and my mom is THE coolest person EVER.
* Sitting next to a friendly person on an airplane.
* Swimming.
* Looking a pictures of the places I want to travel to and then pretending I was there.
* Faking an accent and people actually believe it!
* Sharing the things I love with the people I love.

Okay I think we all agree thats enough for now. :) Now its your turn to make a list of things that make you happy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Frights

Things that freak me out about halloween:
**  Haunted houses.
** Clown masks.
** Corn mazes and how you get extremely lost in them.
** Scary movies.
** People jumping at me, trying to scare me.
** It gives creepers a whole night to creep.
** It always seems dark.
** Screams out of no where
** Spiders
** Scarecrows
** you can't tell the prostitutes from regular girls.
** ghosts 

Things I love about halloween:
** Dressing up as a hippi
** It's my best friends favorite holiday
** little kids trick-or-treating in their cute costumes
** carving pumpkins
** baking anything pumpkin
** the moment you get the jackpot house that gives out king size candy bars 


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jennas journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

I've been thinking about starting a number of businesses in my apartment complex. Since I started cooking like crazy I've realized that things like these hard candies to the left cold sell so good around holidays! I can make pretty much every flavor and I've got a bunch of stencils. I don't have a photo but I also made suckers from the same hard candy recipe. These are chocolate, raspberry. SO good. Anyways there's that Idea and then my other idea was to have like 2 nights a week where I deliver my homemade food to my college peers. What college kid doesn't want a home-cooked meal? EXACTLY my point. Example of how I would do this:
Make a menu for each week. Lets say this week was chicken and rice soup and green chili enchiladas.  I would charge according to the amount requested.
I would make the soup on Wednesday and then deliver it to the different apartments that day. Payment would be due upon arrival of food. Then on Friday I would do the same. How do you think it would work? Suggestions appreciated!