Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life is Amazing.

Okay so I haven't posted since last June. Lets just say thats a bit ridiculous. So i've been a little down lately considering the fact that I've been sick for well lets see.. EVERY month this year. Starting the year off with the cold after cold, the swine flu, wisdom teeth out, strep throat, and tonsillitis. I'm pretty sure I've set the world record for getting sick back to back. Anyways I thought I would post about happy blog today so i'll feel better about myself. Sound good? Alright here we go. Why is my life amazing?
1) My family.
2) My WONDERFUL roommates/best friends.
3) GOD
4) The fact that I've lived life for almost 20 years and I've been in love, AMAZING.
5 The fact that I've lived life for almost 20 years and I've gotten my heart broken...not so amazing but it is at the same time, cause now I can love with an even greater capacity.
6) I have the opportunity to get a college education.
7) I've got a roof over my head.
8) I have people, who TRUELY care for my well-being.
9) I've got the greatest job anyone could ever ask for.
10) I have knowledge that it'll all be okay in the end.
11) Music is deep in my soul.
12) I'm surrounded by beauty every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your roommates love you too.