I'm now living in Orem, Utah and I'm attending Utah Valley University. I thought before I settled for my RN/OP major I would try the teaching rout and I'm leaning more towards the RN/OP. There IS a reason for this. Since I've moved to Orem I've gotten the opportunity to Nanny for the most wonderful family ever! They have 3 sons and the youngest had a heart transplant which unfortunately at times means he will be admitted to the hospital. Since i've started this journey with this wonderful family I've learned so much and I know that being a nurse for kids like my little nanny boy, Mathew would be amazing. These kids are so strong and you see all the love and support they have behind them and it will never cease to amaze you. It wonderful and I'm learning more and more every day. I'm thinking that being an RN is going to be a high possibility.
As far as dating I am single. I think I've broken the record for going away to school and not getting married. :) we'll leave it at that.
I've learned a lot about myself over the last couple of months, those things include:
** I am a fantastic cook!
** I am capable of singing without breaking windows.
** I'm more like my mother than I thought, which is a great thing.
** I want to start my own family in the NEAR future.
** I am capable of becoming this wonderful person and I'm finally not scared of it. Making goals is where it starts, then acting upon those goals.
** I'm a pretty smart kid when I study.
** I love pretty much everyone I meet.
** You hold yourself to a high standard, I look up to you in some way.
** My big sisters are my inspiration(including sister-in-laws)
** I should write greeting cards for hallmark.
** I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life.
** I'm a darn good photographer.
** I get a lot of traits from my pops! (ex-I can sell ANYTHING.)
** I've got my grandmas kind heart.
** My brother has become my best friend.
The list goes on but you've got the gist of it. I think I've always known this about myself but it's good to list them because it makes me realize more and give thanks to the one whose given all of this to me. I have a grateful heart and I will be indebted to my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ, my entire life. I love where I am in my life and I can't wait to see what's in store for me! <3
Remember to smile along the way, it makes the journey so much more enjoyable.
I'm READY for the fall season <3 |