Friday, June 4, 2010


Rain. Rain. Rain. It's all around me, and it's been all around me for the last 18 years. This norther town in California gets drenched every year! The last year of my life has been spent in the busy city of Salt Lake and I've realized the peace rain gives.
Some say rain is the only thing that can make them fall asleep after a long day of work, but myself.. well lets just say when the rain pours my mind swells. It's like each drop is entering my mind with a new thought. A new Idea. In the last 20 minutes I've pondered the true sound of music. It's the RAIN! We are all apart of this choir, or well I'm not sure what to call it but we provide objects for the rain to hit. The world that we live in... it provides a sweet melody that we can hear every single time it rains. When the billions of drops hit the earth there is a marvelous sound. Sound is the basis of music, right? I mean goodness I don't know why this is driving me crazy but I'm feeling the need to get my mind blank so I can sleep.
As I stop to listen I think of what the melody is trying to tell me. I can think of a million possibilities and I'm not yet sure of what it's saying. It could be saying your dying inside and you need to get out, you need time away from the city, and away from all responsibility. It could be saying you've lost your craving for life and excitement, it's time to get it back. Or it could be saying love is in your reach and it's time to take a step forward. I'm not sure what it's saying maybe it's trying to not just say something, maybe it's trying to show something as well. If you go to the visual side of this it changes drastically, you are not only hearing things you can't make sense of you are seeing things that could be metaphorical to any aspect of life. Like the rain drop itself. I mean what if the reason rain falls fast and all that its trying to show you is you need to slow down and breath.
It results in an earth that is clean, the air becomes crisp, the grass become green, and the dirt is washed away from unwanted spaces. It's a clean slate every time it rains. Maybe it's Gods way of telling us that we can start over, we can live the way we are suppose to if we just let the dirt get washed away, if we just repent. This may sound to simple but rain, well it's very complex. It fills up lakes that we enjoy during the summer, it waters fields that we depend on, and it cleanses the earth we live on. It comes and goes as it pleases, there is not controlling it's arrival. I wish there was some way I could figure out the rain, some way to explain the sound and the force that it has when it hits the earths surface. I've got so many questions but no answers so for now, I'll just keep listening. If your a busy person maybe you should set 5 minutes aside and listen.. listen to the rain and see what it's melody is trying to tell you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Best Friends

Terra Allen: My best friend since barbies and tire swings. Her favorite color-orange. She has 5 siblings and her family is well, it is the Brady bunch. Natural hair color-yes it is that beautiful reddish, blonde! Her talents-ART, SINGING, PIANO, SCHOOL, well basically anything you can think of she can do!

Alright explanation time: I chose this picture because we were laughing. Its what Terra and I do. We laugh. We cry. We smile when discussing our new crush. It's what friends do right? This may be true but can you see the true friendship in this photo?
Terra Allen is my best friend in the ENTIRE world. She has been there for me when I wasn't so sure how life itself would turn out. She's been there when My niece Makynna was going through chemo and I was separated from all of my friends. Out of everyone, she was there. She says she's lucky to have me as friend but the truth is I am lucky to have her as my best friend. The reasons are numbered in thousands but I'll list a few.
Although many people feel it to be a challenge to be friends with someone as beautiful as Terra I find it joyous. She's not only beautiful on the outside, she's beautiful on the inside as well. She stands as a light to those who may not be sure where they are going. And even though Terra Allen doesn't realize that she is the greatest example in the whole universe, nothing stops her from putting a smile on everyones face.
The reason for this post is because my dear friend is graduating and starting a new life in Utah. She will be attending BYU Provo this summer. It's a new road for her but I know that she will do just fine. If I could give Terra one piece of advice, it would be: stay true to yourself, because your now setting out on a journey that only you can navigate. This is the time when you find out what your made of. I am so proud of you Terra Allen! Congrats on the graduation!